Derma's homemade protein mask recipe for healthier and longer hair
Feed your hair with ingredients good enough to eat - discover the natural TLC your hair needs and why your hair will love you for it. Your hair is made up of proteins and needs to be moisturised regularly during winter, the herbal hair oils in this mask will help seal cuticle cells, to keep the follicle from splitting. The recipe we share is kind to your hair and scalp and is made to nourish your hair from within protecting it from turning brittle and dry throughout winter while the heating plays havoc with it. Rich in antioxidants the mask will also support the keratin in your hair to help make it stronger, smoother, less frizzy and grow longer.
Stimulates and improves circulation to the scalp encouraging hair growth. It’s antibacterial quality gently cleanses hair, increases shine, and relieves, dry, flaky, scalp.
Avocados are rich in protein as well as Vitamin B, which is an essential vitamin for optimal hair health. These, along with the good fats and Vitamin E, will help make the hair strong, healthy, soft and shiny.
Castor oil has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties and is high in vitamin E, minerals, proteins, and omega-6 and -9 beneficial fatty acids. It's unusually high ricinoleic acid ratio makes it beneficial for hair circulation and growth. Ricinoleic acid is also said to help balance scalp pH ,which can also help oily scalp hair loss treatment and undo some of the damage of harsh chemical hair products.
Thyme delivers powerful nutrients to hair follicles that are necessary for healthy hair growth. Thyme also improves blood circulation to the scalp encouraging growth.
Helps prevent hair fall and makes the hair follicles stronger. An oily scalp can lead to dandruff and hair loss, tamarind pulp will control the scalp’s sebum production to get you flaunt-worthy hair.
Rich in potassium, organic hair oils , carbohydrates and vitamins, it will help soften the hair and protect the hair's natural elasticity, preventing split ends and breakage and moisturise the scalp.
L-lysine is present in Spirulina and is also in the hair's root, and it's responsible afro hair product for hair growth. An L-lysine deficiency can cause hair loss, but getting enough of this amino acid can prevent this issue and promote regular hair growth. Spirulina also contains essential fatty acids, vitamin A and beta-carotene, all of which are great for hair.
Check out our Youtube video on how to make your mask:
For more natural hair growth and repair products check out Derma hair products here.
Read more about the damaging chemicals many hair care products contain and why at Derma we believe you should use kind, natural products good enough to eat!
1 comment
I can’t wait to give this recipe a try. My hair is very hormonal. And has been for some time. I’ve been natural for quite awhile. And it has no life or a life of It’s own. I wear wigs whenever I’m out and about. Maybe 2-3times a month if that. My hair is about shoulder length. And mostly gray. I don’t use heat. For the most part. It’s pretty strong with normal shedding. My main concern is, it just doesn’t look healthy. No luster or shine. I was thinking of doing another big chop. But I’m going to give this recipe a try. And hope this will help.